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The Probus Secundus Pilates Group owes its success to our instructor Antonella McMillin, who has cajoled and persuaded a group of about 10 of us to keep fit for well over 3 years.
Antonella provides an entertaining programme of classes that include a wide variety of exercises designed to strengthen our core and keep us fit in a safe and fun way. Our exercises are specifically designed for seniors.
We used to meet at the Harpenden Leisure Centre pre-Covid, but will continue our Tuesday and/or Friday one hour classes on Zoom from the comfort of our own homes for the foreseeable future.
Please contact Richard Young on 01582 769109 or via email (click here) for further information. We will be delighted to welcome you to a group that keeps fit and has fun.
The Club has re-published (June 2020) a document containing its “GUIDELINES FOR ALL ACTIVITIES”. These apply to all activities organised by the club or its members. Click on this link to read the document.